About Us
In 2020, I was interviewed for a segment on iLIVE radio UK and was asked; “Who are you?” My honest response was; “No one really.” But I was wrong.
I’m a creative soul with an idea spawned from tragedy. My partner was 8-months pregnant, our first child, two weeks away from being born. Both passed away in a fatal car accident. Soon afterwards my father passed. This changed the trajectory of my life.
I traveled by the grace of a celebrity friend, I wrote, learned photography, met some of the most inspiring people on my travels and created something from an idea to pay homage and tribute to the people I had lost. I’ve been unfortunate and lucky at the same time. I’ve received love, support and assistance from the strangest places. I built a business with no platform, without advertising or marketing in the traditional form, and let go of the wheel to see where it would lead. Räh products are now sold in 11 countries.
I’ve surrounded myself with tremendous people and our commonalities are through art and design. We are a family consisting of artists, musicians, designers, creators and innovators. Räh is a collaboration of hearts and souls of true art, life experiences and creative mediums.
Through adversity, comes expression
Life is art, a raw movement, art evokes thought, creates changes, adversity creates expression.
This is räh.
Peter Rattan and team,
räh | Rattan Art House